Iyengar style Yoga helps young patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) feel better after practicing yoga for just six weeks, shows a new study.
The Research findings are revealed at the American Pain Society's annual meeting.
Throwing more light on the research findings, one of the researchers Kirsten Lung, who researches pain at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) said,
"It seems to be a very feasible, practical treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis."The results are not surprising to
Yoga teacher Rajendra Pandey, who has been recommending Iyengar style Yoga to his students afflicting from Rheumatoid Arthritis for some time now.
Mr. Pandey who has also seen marked improvement in the pain symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis in such students; sees the benefits no different from the ones imparted by any form of Physical Activity.
Noting that all kinds of physical activity can help with rheumatoid arthritis, the yoga teacher from Rishikesh underlines Yoga is advisable as it can be done without putting the body to too much stress (he calls such Yoga poses, Joint-Friendly Fitness Routines). In short, you can’t expect a person suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis to walk, jog, run or hit a tread mill; but you can make such person do some Yoga poses on a Yoga mat, explains yoga master.
What is Rheumatoid Arithritis (RA):RA is a chronic type of arthritis. It is an autoimmune disease (caused when one’s own immune system starts attacking the body). It is most common among women. Early symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, and stiffness.As it progresses, RA may feel like the flu, with muscle aches and loss of appetite. Early and effective treatment may help prevent joint and bone destruction.
Self Help Resources --Yoga for Rheumatoid Arithritis:
Yoga for Arthritis: The Complete Guide

Yoga for Arthritis
[The DVD is particularly helpful for thsoe people who are chair bound because of Rh Arithritis]
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