Monday 16 July 2012

Dos and Donts while filling an Entrance examination Application Form

Written by Anil Singh

In Uttarakhand Pre ANM and GNM Entrance Examination 2012, Held yesterday i.e. Sunday July 15, 2012; 95 candidates who applied for the ANM- GNM entrance examination couldn't appear in the exam. The reason was: Their Applications were not accepted by the university, as they were not Duly filled.

Duly filled means: Not filling in the application form correctly or forgetting to fill in some mandatory details.

For instance, a sizeable number of such rejected applications didn't have the candidate's signature in the declaration. The university rightly rejected such forms. How could the university accept them, when the candidate has not given the undertaking that the information filled in the form is CORRECT.

Below are some Dos and Donts while while filling an Entrance examination Application Form:

1) Don't fill your form on multiple days. Decide clearly before hand the day and time you will fill in the examination form. Fill the form on that day and time, in one sitting.

2) Read the Prospectus (in Hindi 'Vivaranika' ) and Notification (in Hindi 'Vigyapti') before start filling the examination form. Underline important points in the prospectus and notification. It's important to read both, as sometimes there are differences in the two.

3) Before sitting to fill the form, make sure you have with you pencil, pen, eraser, correction fluid etc. That is anything which you will need to fill the form.

4)  Before Pasting a photograph on the form, check the kind of attestation it requires -- Self or by Some Gazetted Officer. 

5) After attentively filling in the form, ask any family member or friends to check the form for any mistakes. 

6) While placing the duly filled in application form in the Post envelope, remain attentive, and make sure you put every content inside the envelope. 

7) While posting the form, make sure whether it allows Speed Post or Not.

8) When you submit your form IN PERSON, that's by visiting the the Commission, college or University Office Counter, you don't need "Self Addressed Acknowledgement Post Card". As the receipt you receive at the counter, is in itself an acknowledgement that you have submitted your form. 

9) When You submit your Application form IN PERSON, you don't need postage stamps. In addition, pl don't paste your envelope, as the person at counter will check the contents before accepting it.

10) Post Your application Form or submit it personally, YOURSELF. Many a times it's seen that married women are not often encouraged by their in-Laws to study further or apply for some particular job. In such cases, family members don't post the form. Hence if you have the courage to go for a job, have the same courage to post or submit your application form. Why depend on anyone else. Even your Husband.

1 constructive comments:

  • nikhil says:
    16 July 2012 at 10:29

    sir L.T ki vigyapti kab tak aaegi any idea