Wednesday 11 July 2012

Contact this number for Uttarakhand Pre ANM and GNM Entrance Examination 2012 Admit Card Issues

Written by Anil Singh

NEW UPDATE!!! 14 July 12:10 PM:

Know you Roll Number and Centre Name for Uttarakhand Pre ANM and GNM Entrance Examination 2012.

, if you have received your admit card yet.

---------------Original Post Below--------------------

With the entrance examiantion on July 15, your uneasiness for the non-receipt of Admit card by post is justified. Don't worry.

In case you have still not received the Uttarakhand Pre ANM and GNM Entrance Examination 2012 Admit Card, then contact this phone number, during office hours:


Hope it helps.

2 constructive comments:

  • arjun says:
    13 July 2012 at 13:28

    that no going always busy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    plz give other solution pleseeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Unknown says:
    13 July 2012 at 21:22

    no, its not helping at all. we tried in the morning in this number regarding the admit card but they say the form has been cancelled and didnt gave any reason. so, is there any other way we can find out about this. please reply asap