Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Exclusive Interview: Noted Advocate Mr. Anurag Tomar

Written by Anil Singh

RTI and PILs are fast changing the Indian judicial landscape. More than ever, enthusiastic & aware people and sharp lawyers are managing to get landmark judgments in the field of Public Interest. Uttarakhand may have come into existence only a decade ago, but some PILs filed by esteemed people of the Hill State, have already made news headlines at national level. Two of the most coveted and talked about PILs from Uttarakhand-ites in recent times, are the ones pertaining to -- Haridwar Master Plan 2010 and Adulterated Milk. These two PILs filed by different people, have one common link, the lawyer.

The Uttarakhandportal had the opportunity of meeting the noted Advocate Anurag Tomar, who represents the petitioners in both these PILs. Hope you enjoy the conversation, as much as we do:

UttarakhandPortal: Welcome to Uttarakhand Portal Mr. Tomar. We're grateful to you for giving us some time out of your busy schedule.
Anurag Tomar: It’s my pleasure to be here.

UttarakhandPortal:   You represent the petitioners in the Haridwar Master Plan, 2012 and Adulterated Milk PILs. Can you please elaborate a bit on the challenges you faced with these issues?
Anurag Tomar: Both of these PILs involve larger public issues affecting the lives of millions of people. The Hardiwar Master Plan, 2012 seeks to improve the infrastructure of the city of Haridwar and provide the basic amenities of life such as pure drinking water, clean environment, fresh air, congestion free roads to its residents. All these basic amenities are necessary for the human beings lead a meaningful life.
The Adulterated Milk PIL seeks to weed out widespread adulteration in milk across country. Milk adulteration is an important issue as milk is directly linked to the growth of young ones and health of People.
Both of these petitions are quite serious issues that need immediate intervention of the central and state governments and concerned authorities.
In the former case, it becomes the complicated task for the court to solve the issue as there are serious infrastructure bottlenecks in the city and inadequacies in the master plan framed by the development authority.  With the due seriousness and involvement of experienced town planner, the matter has been brought before the court.
The milk adulteration matter is still in the initial stage and will take some more time in getting disposed. I strongly believe that both these disputes have merit and the Hon’ble Supreme court has already given sufficient indulgence in respect of issues raised in these PILs and any strong direction or order issued by the Supreme Court will bring a lot of relief in the lives of masses.

UttarakhandPortal:  The Right to Information (RTI) Act came into effect on April 1, 2005. As a lawyer, do you agree with the view that the Act is fast changing the face of Indian Judiciary? and if yes, then what kind of positive and negative changes you are witnessing?
Anurag Tomar:  In a democratic system, the people have every right to know about the government’s decisions, decision- making process and facts and statistics of the government’s spending on the public welfare. It is a good sign that people have developed a greater understanding of the role of R.T.I. Act in promoting transparency and accountability. What is better is that the suffered party can approach the court on account of being met with injustice. 

UttarakhandPortal:  A large number of Uttarakhand Portal Readers are young men and women, who are always eager to get valuable advice on careers. Uttarakhand Portal will be hugely thankful to you, if you could shed light on the inner aspects of choosing law, the intricacies involved in choosing law profession, challenges one may encounter in the near future and how to deal with such predicament and the job prospects thereon?
Anurag Tomar:  Law is a noble profession. To have a real success in Law profession, an individual requires putting in lot of patience, hard work and commitment.  The aspirant has many options at his/her end as the individual can take up cases related to litigation aspects. Also, the law graduates are presented with the opportunity of taking up cases on the corporate and taxation fronts. However, choosing the area of practice is solely dependent on the caliber of law graduate. However, a young law graduate should carefully weigh in options including the pros and cons of legal profession before taking a plunge into it.

UttarakhandPortal:  Uttarakhand Portal wishes you a grand success in every effort undertaken by you. Many Thanks to you for giving us your valuable time.
Anurag Tomar:  It has been a real pleasure for me too to share my knowledge with you on the legal aspects. I appreciate you for undertaking efforts in making people informed and spreading awareness on legal and fundamental rights. 

About Anurag Tomar:  Mr. Tomar graduated from S.M.J.N. College Haridwar followed by graduation in Law from J.V. Jain P.G. College, Saharanpur. He practices at Delhi High Court.

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