Monday 3 December 2012

Yoga DVD for Least Agile and Old, by Jane Fonda

Written by Anil Singh

Haridwar, Rishikesh and places outskirts are a hub for Yoga teaching. Such is the awareness of Yoga in this region that; people normally don't associate age and body state with the ability to do Yoga poses. Overall, people are aware of the effectiveness of Yoga; and as a consequence, health conscious people of all Age Groups and all shapes & sizes do one or the other poses of Yoga.

That said, whatever be one's physical agility and age, Yoga poses must be practiced with ease. That's there should be no jerks and stresses, says Yoga teacher Rajendra Pandey.

If right Yoga poses are chosen, based on one's level of fitness and age; nearly anyone can do Yoga. Jane Fonda, a veteran Yoga Teacher from USA, yesterday launched a new Yoga DVD, which is specially targeted for "Young People with least agility" and "Old People".

Read more about Jane Fonda's New Yoga DVD for Old and Young Not in Shape Here.


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