Wednesday, 22 April 2015

IGNOU Registration and Re-registration

Written by Anil Singh

I'm still uncertain whether many IGNOU Learners clearly understand the Re-registration process of IGNOU. The IGNOU Re-registration is different from IGNOU Registration. IGNOU Registration and re-registrationIGNOU Re-registration One needs to re-register for a subject or Subjects, only if he/she is unable to complete or pass the subject(s) in 2 years from the time of initial registration. Thus anyone who has taken admission in July 2014, can still appear in those papers till June 2016 TEE. All one has to do is submit Assignments and pay Examination fee.

IGNOU Registration

When you register for a new semester or new subjects for the first time, such as registering for second semester or 2nd year, then you don't call it Re-registration. It's is simply called IGNOU Registration for the subjects you have not registered ever since you took admission at IGNOU.

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