Monday 25 August 2014

NIT Uttarakhand Non- Teaching posts August 2014

Written by Anil Singh

Non-Teaching posts of Superintendent, Superintendent Accounts, Technical Assistant , Nurse, Junior Engineer, Technician, stenographer in NIT Uttarakhand.

NIT Uttarakhand
National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand or NIT Uttarakhand , Temporary Campus – Govt. Polytechnic, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, invites applications in the prescribed format for Non-Teaching Posts in NIT Uttarakhand. Below are the key details of NIT Uttarakhand non-teaching posts:

Superintendent / Superintendent (Accounts) : 03 posts

Technical Assistant : 07 Posts

Technical Assistant in trades
 I. Mechanical Engg.
II. Civil Engg.
III. Electrical Engg.
IV. Electronics Engg.
V. Computer Science & Engg.
VI. Library and Information
VII. Students Activity & Sports

Nurse : 07 Posts

Junior Engineer : 07 posts in various disciplines

Technician : 05 posts in various disciplines

Stenographer : 08 posts

Junior Assistant : 08 posts

How to Apply : To apply for the above NIT Uttarakhand posts , applications must be sent to the Director, National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand, Temporary Campus, Govt. ITI, Srinagar (Garhwal), Dist. Pauri (Garhwal), Uttarakhand - 246174 (super-scribing Candidates Name, Application for ____________ (the name of post with specialization) on envelope) by Speed Post only on or before 17/09/2014.

For details on the above non-teaching posts recruitment in NIT Uttarakhand and for application form : Click Here

The detailed qualifications and pay scales for the above NIT Uttarakhand non-teaching posts is given in the above notification.

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